?? Unit Safari Units
??????? ???????????????????Civics Unit
Unit begins on Sunday Sept 17, 2005? with message 21668 and ends with message 21725
Unit compiled by Liz Williams
Bible References:
Presidential Prayer Team for Kids????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????US History from a Biblical perspective. It has current events and political leaders with prayer emphasis for children.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.pptkids.org/index.php
Learning Objectives:
To teach students about government, laws, and voting.
Presidential Portraits: Time Line???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Time Line of Presidents and First Ladies. Each president and first lady is listed chronologically according to the president?s term(s) http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/odmdhtml/pptime.html
United States Presidential Timeline???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???http://www.paralumun.com/prestimeline.htm
Create your own timeline ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????http://www.timelinemaker.com?
President | Liberty Bell | poll |
election | government | law |
Constitution | democracy | citizenship |
Bill of Rights | vote | legislature |
Declaration of Independence | citizen | court ? |
?Book Resources:
Little Schoolhouse website???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Free copy of Electing a President e-workbook
Free Books????????????????????????????????????????????????? wdcrobcolp01.ed.gov/cfapps/free/displaysubject.cfm?sid=9
Free Government Textbook (Scroll Down for book)?????????? ???????????????????????http://www.pass.leon.k12.fl.us/availabl.htm
Weekly reader has great supplemental books on voting and elections and other matters of government, also check into scholastic.
Will You Sign Here John Hancock? by Jean Fritz
The Story of the Constitution by Marilyn Prolman
Shh! We?re writing the Constitution by Jean Fritz
So what is citizenship anyway? By Chelsea Luthringer???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? So what is patriotism anyway? By Joan LaMachia????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Rights and responsibilities : using your freedom by Frances Shuker-Haines???????????????????????????????????????????? The congress of the United States by David Heath?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The presidency of the Unites States by David Heath???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The supreme court of the Unites States by David Heath
Poetry + Music:
Poem by Thylias Moss about the Statue of Liberty http://www.worldofpoetry.org/usop/dream1.htm
Patriotic Poems http://www.amandashome.com/patriotpoems.html
Patriotic and Inspirational Songs of America http://hometown.aol.com/KidFun101/KidsParties4th/Pg10BPatrioticSongs.index.html
Video and Software Resources:
American Promise web site offers free PDF downloads of information, activity, and lesson plan sheets for a course in Government, History, Economics, and Civics.. You can also order the free curriculum which includes 2 videos and a binder full of goodies.
Ben?s Guide to Government- short videos??????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://bensguide.gpo.gov/3-5/index.html
Brain Pop????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/seeall
Iz and Auggie go to the polls online game???????????????????????????????? http://www.headbone.com/derby/polls?
Civics Jeopardy Game
Clip Art:
Free American photos and clipart???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????http://www.ace-clipart.com
(See the top and bottom pics in this unit for more clip-art)
Cloze Exercise and Spelling Activity
Quizzes about our government and country, coloring activities, puzzles, voting activities, lessons for teachers etc. .?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.kids-voting.org
Kids voting- Civics quiz-elementary?? http://kids-voting.org/quiz/elem_quiz.html
Kids voting-Civics quiz-highschool??? http://kids-voting.org/quiz/sr_quiz.html
Online Civics quiz??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.house.gov/pombo/kids/trivia3.htm?
Field Trips:
Historical Tour of the White House???????????????????????????????? http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/whtour
Historic Philadelphia -Enjoy the virtual tour???????? ??????????????????????????????http://www.ushistory.org/tour
Due to the death of Cheif Justice Renquist it might be a good idea to do a? research project on the supreme court. Research orgins and role in the goverment past and present and also
its effects on the country. To expand the study for older students you could have them research one of the justices that sat on the court past or present.
Making a tree out of paper bags and give the tree ?branches?. Lable the branches of government and hang this tree on your wall. Cut out leaves and brake that down into the ?sub? catagories for each branch. You can take it a little further with key names of our government under their branch.
Lots of activities, lesson plans and games: http://www.mcrel.org/lesson-plans/civics/civicslessons.asp
writing a speech, theory of Am founding
all grades- elections,Bill of Rights, mock trials
Voting & Elections??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/soc_studies/voting
The Constitution???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/soc_studies/constit
U.S.Presidents???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/soc_studies/president
Mr Donn?s FREE Lesson Plans & Activities
Flash cards to print while doing US history/government. -Some helpful with civics
WebQuest teaching about the original 13 colonies. http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/tbeckner/WebQuest/13colonies.html
Civics Online???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????http://www.civics-online.org/teachers/activities.php
Check with your local government I am sure there are locals who would love to talk with the kids on there job and how they got there. Local campaigns etc.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? With the election of a new supreme judge there is an abundant amount of T V coverage. Maybe a unit study on just that position would be great now.
Geography Ideas:
Do a review of Philadelphia, Washington D.C, and/or your own state capital.
Art and Craft Ideas:
Coloring activities- (and lots more)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.kids-voting.org
Patriotic Crafts?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.handcraftersvillage.com/holiday.htm
(also see the sites listed under activities for art and craft ideas)
Public school, by a new law, had to celebrate Constitution Day by observing it in the
classroom. Not many school districts actually knew this. My class celebrated by learning about the Preamble on Friday, September 16. After I informed our principal, our whole school recited the Preamble at 2 p.m. on Monday, September 19. My students and I also talked about our classroom Constitution. You might think about coming up with your own Constitution.
Evaluation Ideas:
A Sample Scoring Rubric for Election & Citizenship Activities http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/instructor/electrubric.htm
http://www.civiced.org/stds.html HYPERLINK ?http://www.civiced.org/k4toc.htm????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Center for Civic Education -National Standards for Civics and Government????????????????????????????????????????????? This can be used as an evaluation / assessment
Record Keeping can easily be done in the Free Basic Version of Homeschool Tracker downloadable at http://www.tghomesoft.com. Keep a Daily log in the assignments area by posting finished activities as assignments and at the end of the unit or year you?ll have an awe inspiring record for use at your portfolio review or support group discussion.
Presidential Prayer Team for Kids- US History from a Biblical perspective http://www.pptkids.org/index.php
Civics Online????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://civics-online.org
Civics online for teachers???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://civics-online.org/teachers
Standing Together to Heal Our Children (September 11th and other world problems)
Origins of Citizenship???????????????????????????????? http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/thismonth/oct00/index2.shtm#older
Consittution Center
Close Up Foundation- Civics Resources?????????????????????????????????????? http://www.closeup.org/resource.htm
Social Studies For Kids???????????????????????? http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/government.htm
Mini Study of US History???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????http://countrystudies.us/united-states???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (you can use Teachers -pet to turn this website into a quick workbook??????????????????????? http://www.teachers-pet.org? but you have to have MSWORD)
American Heritage (all grade levels)??????????????????????????? http://www.americanheritage.org/curriculum.html
A-Z home?s cool homeschooling-civics http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/explore/civics.htm
FirstGov for Kids
This US government portal is designed especially for kids by the Federal Consumer Information Center. It provides links to Federal kids? sites along with some of the best kids? sites from other organizations all grouped by subject.
PBS TeacherSource: Social Studies
Select civics links from their dropdown menu.
Rock the Vote
educating young people about issues, motivating young people to vote
The White House for Kids
Learn about the White House and the first families.
Justice for kids and youth???????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????http://www.usdoj.gov/kidspage
Government around the world???? http://www.funsocialstudies.learninghaven.com/links/civics.htm
Forming a Govrnment?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.kathimitchell.com/govt.htm
Article in Denver Post
Constitution given its day but, from kids, not its due
A former Peace Corps volunteer from Centennial continues the civics-minded passion that? he developed in the ?90s educating students on the law of the land. http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_3030040
http://www.civiced.org? website.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Public school, by a new law, had to celebrate Constitution Day by observing it in the classroom. Not many school districts actually knew this. My class celebrated by learning about the Preamble on Friday, September 16. After I informed our principal, our whole school recited the Preamble at 2 p.m. on Monday, September 19. My students and I also talked about our classroom Constitution. You might think about coming up with your own Constitution.
Links to lots of civics sites???????????????????????????????????? http://oswego.org/staff/cchamber/resources/civics.cfm
Current events, different branches gov?t and what they do???????? http://www.phschool.com/atschool/Civics/Student_Area/CIV_S_BK_index.Html
Ben?s Guide to U.S. Government???????????????????????????????????????????? http://bensguide.gpo.gov/index.html
Weird, Strange, Dumb Laws- contains strange US state laws. http://www.lawguru.com/weird
Lesson Plans:
Resources for Civics lessons????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????http://www.mcrel.org/lesson-plans/civics/civics.asp
Mr. Donns?s site on Civics and Government: http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/Government.html
We the People? The Citizen and the Constitution Upper Elementary http://www.civiced.org/lesson-plans.html
We the People
Exploring such issues as natural law, the necessity for government, and the American Constitution, middle school students will be guided through a sequence of excellent,
hands-on lessons to come to their own terms of law and government, particularly in their everyday lives.
Center for Civic Education Sample lessons
Write a preamble???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? http://www.civicmind.com/lesson1.htm
Ny Times Civics lesson plans???????????????? http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/lessons/civics.html
Too many lesson plans to list separately Grades 6-12 http://www.historychannel.com/classroom/guides
Citizenship City Lesson Plan http://pbskids.org/democracy/educators/citizenshipcity.html
Mini-lesson on classroom courtroom (5-12) http://www.ofcn.org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/soc/cecsst/cecsst006.html
Mini lesson-political candidate debate (3-8) http://www.ofcn.org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/soc/cecsst/cecsst036.html
Government, Conflict Management/Decision Making (4-6) http://www.ofcn.org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/soc/cecsst/cecsst113.html
Educator?s Network -various sites listed, just click on lesson plans and pick a subject? http://www.theeducatorsnetwork.com
Lesson Plans
http://pbskids.org/democracy/educators/citizenshipcity.html?? -lesson plan
Exploring such issues as natural law, the necessity for government, and the American Constitution, middle school students will be guided through a sequence of excellent,
hands-on lessons to come to their own terms of law and government, particularly in their everyday lives.
Resources for Educators for Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, September 17
Lesson Topics
Introduction to the term ?authority.?
Grades 1-2
Introduction to the terms ?authority,? ?limited government,? and ?law.?
Grades 3-4
Introduction to the Preamble?s ideas and importance.
Grades 5-6
Explore terms in the Preamble.
Grades 7-8
The federal system and the role of federal vs. state governments.
Grades 9-10
Introduction to the first Congress, establishing the executive and judicial
branches, and drafting of the Bill of Rights.
Grades 11-12
Major conflicts and the Bill of Rights.
Source: http://homeschoolingonashoestring.com/civics-unit-study/
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