Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Comparative Connections v.14 n.1 - China-Russia

Succession, Syria ? and the Search for Putin?s Soul

By any standard, the first four months were a rough start to the year for both Russia and China. While succession politics gripped first Russia and then China, Moscow and Beijing coordinated closely over crises beyond their borders (Syria, Iran, and North Korea) and promoted multilateralism through summitry with the BRICS and the SCO. Toward the end of April, the Russian and Chinese navies held the largest joint bilateral exercise in seven years, codenamed Maritime Cooperation-2012 (????-2012; Morskoye Vzaimodeystviye-2012), in the Yellow Sea. Meanwhile, China?s future premier Li Keqiang traveled to Moscow to meet Russia?s future-and-past President Putin in Moscow.

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